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Writing Migration File

You can generate an empty migration file as follows:

$ firenze migration generate something --db ./config/db.js

Generated migration file at: ./migrations/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_something.js

This generates an empty file like this:

// ./migrations/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_something.js
var Promise = require('firenze').Promise;

module.exports = {
  before: function (db, direction) {
    return new Promise.resolve(true);

  up: function (db) {
    return new Promise.resolve(true);

  down: function (db) {
    return new Promise.resolve(true);

  after: function (db, direction) {
    return new Promise.resolve(true);

All of the functions above are expected to return a Promise.

Let's make use of this boilerplate.


This is where you write your code for the shema changes. Assume, you needed to create a new table posts, with the columns id, and title:

  up: function (db) {
    // we can return it directly, since `createTable` returns a Promise already
    return db.schema()
      .createTable('posts', {
        id: {
          type: 'increments', // uuid or integer, etc
          primary: true
        title: {
          type: 'string',
          length: 100,
          nullable: false

Find more ways to manipulate the database in Schema section.


This is where you the rollback code goes in.

Imagine you ran the migration for creating the table posts, what would you do to reverse it? You drop it. Thats what down is here for:

  down: function (db) {
    return db.schema()


If you have anything to process before continuing with running the actual migration, do it here.


Like before, if you have anything to perform after the migration has finished, this is the place.