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Models represent a single item/record of a Collection.

Creating separate classes for Models are optional. Only create them if you want to expose some methods on fetched rows.

Naming Convention

Ideally, Models are named after a Collection's alias. From our examples before, our Posts Collection, will have a model named Post.

Defining a Model

We will create a Model file at ./models/Post.js:

// ./models/Post.js
var f = require('firenze');

module.exports = f.createModel({
  lengthOfTitle: function () {
    return this.get('title').length;

It's usage will be clear when we discuss Fetching Data.

Connect it to Collection

We also need to let our Collection know to use the newly created Model class when serving records:

// ./collections/Posts.js
var db = require('../config/db');
var Post = require('../models/Post');

module.exports = db.createCollection({
  table: 'posts',

  modelClass: Post