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Collections represent a single table in our Database.

Naming Convention

Let's assume, we have a table called posts, and we want to have a Collection for that. We may choose to follow a convention that our Collection names will always be the CamelCased version of the table's name.

For example, a list of table names with their possible Collection name:

  • postsPosts
  • questionsQuestions
  • office_suppliesOfficeSupplies
  • superhero_namesSuperheroNames

Defining a Collection

Given we want to create a new Collection called Posts for the table posts, we would create a new file in ./collections/Posts.js:

// ./collections/Posts.js
var db = require('../config/db');

module.exports = db.createCollection({
  table: 'posts'

And that's it really. That's the minimum configuration you need to create a Collection.

But let's go a bit ahead, and look at other options too.


Aliases are useful when queries are involved with multiple tables. We can have convention to always have the alias of a Collection by its name in singular form.

For example, a list of Collection names with their possible aliases:

  • PostsPost
  • OfficeSuppliesOfficeSupply
  • QuestionsQuestion

So we can go ahead with the alias as Post here:

var db = require('../config/db');

module.exports = db.createCollection({
  table: 'posts',

  alias: 'Post'


firenze.js is capable of creating tables in your database by reading the schema defined in Collection level. This can be read further in the Migration section.

But to define it:

var db = require('../config/db');

module.exports = db.createCollection({
  table: 'posts',

  alias: 'Post',

  schema: {
    id: {
      type: 'increments',
      primary: true
    title: {
      type: 'string',
      length: 100


Validation rules can be set per field when defining the schema in a Collection:

var db = require('../config/db');

module.exports = db.createCollection({
  table: 'posts',

  alias: 'Post',

  schema: {
    id: {
      type: 'increments',
      primary: true
    title: {
      type: 'string',
      length: 100,
      validate: [
          rule: 'isAlphanumeric',
          message: 'Title must be alphanumeric.'

Read more about it in Validation section.